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Source: GLAAD Accelerating Acceptance report,

conducted by Harris Poll, March 2017

The Importance of Allies

When I see charts like this it makes me think of my father’s

cousin Mike. Mike was born and raised in a small town in North

Carolina. He taught, volunteered, paid taxes, and lived with his

partner Charlie for 50 years. Every time he saw his mother she

would ask, “Have you met any nice girls? And how is that Charlie

guy?” It wasn’t that he didn’t exist. It was that he wasn’t fully


Flash forward to my life. We had begun to realize that

LGBTQ was just a part of the fabric of life. We had developed the

concept of Ally. My mother was able to tell me in advance that

she would be supportive. That allowed me the safe space to

come out. When the time came, she helped me plan my wedding

to Claudia.

This chart is a testament to the importance of active Allies.

If you aren’t already, I encourage you to become informed, ask,

speak out, engage and be visible. It matters!

Julia Marshel, Mosaic Chair