Our Code and the Principles upon which it is based help us to apply our Values in our operations and pursue our Mission responsibly.
Why Do We Have a Code?
The Altria Group Chief Compliance Officer also reviews the compliance program with Altria’s senior officers and the Board of Directors.
■ ■ Our Code introduces us to many important laws, policies and procedures we must follow
Who Must Follow Our Code? Our Code applies to all employees, including senior management and officers, who work for Altria’s companies.
■ ■ It shows us how to spot potential issues in our work
■ ■ It identifies resources when we need more information, want advice or wish to report concerns
Our Code is part of our enterprise-wide compliance and integrity program supported by the Altria Group Board of Directors and officers, and by the management of Altria’s companies.
Does Our Code Explain All the Standards I Need to Know?
Our Code is the cornerstone of our commitment to integrity, but it does not discuss every law, policy or procedure that applies to your work. Your company has more specific policies and procedures on the topics in our Code. You can find much of that
The Altria Group Chief Compliance Officer, compliance officers in our companies, and the Compliance & Integrity department oversee our compliance program.
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